Earth Writings Podcasts

Cultural values and responses are largely missing from Irish public discourse about the ecological emergency.
This podcast series shares in-depth conversations between cultural academics, creative practitioners and activists living in Ireland who are exploring values and practices needed to foster an ecological era.

Earth Writings Podcasts aim to cultivate awareness in the Irish cultural sector and beyond, of culture’s critical role alongside science to support urgent societal change toward a more just, beautiful and sustainable future for all.

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25 November 2020: A podcast of the Earth Writings: Bogs, Forests, Fields and Gardens arts book launch, with presentations of paired artists and scholars now available at:

Part of the Dublin Art Book Fair 2020 and GeoWeek 2020, hosted by the Moore Institute NUI Galway and Maynooth Geography.

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20 November 2019: Podcasts from Conversations in: TĂ­rdheach Feasach: Irish Environments in Transition (Maynooth University Department of Geography, funded by the Irish Research Council STEAM grant):

Bogs: artist educator Monica de Bath speaks with Dr Patrick Bresnihan
Artist-educator Monica de Bath whose work centres on bogs and peatlands speaks with Dr. Patrick Bresnihan, Geography, Maynooth University 20 Nov 2019.

Fields: artist researcher Pauline O’Connell speaks with Professor Gerry Kearns
Artist-researcher Pauline O’Connell whose practice centres on rurality in conversation with Prof. Gerry Kearns, Head of Geography, Maynooth University

Forests: ecosocial artist researcher Dr Cathy Fitzgerald speaks with Dr Nessa Cronin
Ecosocial artist-reasearcher-educator, Dr Cathy Fitzgerald, whose work centres on new-to-Ireland ecological forestry and advancing understanding of eco-social art practices, speaks with Dr Nessa Cronin, Centre for Irish Studies, National University of Galway, on 20 Nov. 2019, Maynooth Library.

Gardens: artist educator Seoidin O’Sullivan speaks with Professor Karen Till
Artist-educator Seoidin O’Sullivan talks with Prof. Karen Till, Geography, Maynooth University about her urban community art practices.

14 November 2020: See also Cathy’s new interview with Megan Best for the Green Room on Dublin City FM, on ‘Why ecoliteracy matters for the Irish Creative sectorhere

Megan Best, Green Room, Dublin City FM interviews Cathy Fitzgerald, founder of the Haumea Ecoliteracy online courses for the creative sector. Cathy spoke about the importance of ecoliteracy for arts practitioners and creative professionals. She also discussed her work in advocating for continuous cover forestry, ecocide law, and the Earth Charter.

Listen and subscribe to all the podcasts in the Earth Writings’ Playlist